“It doesn’t matter who you are, pain is pain,” she said. “We all want to have a way to not be in pain and we all want a way to be able to live with our loved ones and not be tortured by our bodies.”

Enedina Stanger has benefited from medical marijuana for pain relief, but it is illegal in her home state of Utah. Earlier this week, Stanger was sentenced to six months of probation and required to go to a parenting class after an officer cited her for possession of marijuana while her daughter was in the car.

The initial charge for “child endangerment” was dropped in a plea deal, but Stanger still needs medicine to help with Ehlers-Danlo syndrome. The genetic disorder attacks the connective tissues, leaving her in a wheelchair and causing dislocations and muscle spasms.

“When that happens there is nothing that we have been able to find that stops those spasms and those cramps,” Stanger said.

Since the only medicine that has worked to ease the pain and minimize spasms is marijuana, Stanger decided to pack up and move to Colorado.

 In 2014 over 200,000 people moved to Colorado.  In most cases, families are in similar situations to Stranger – just trying to get the medicine they need to live a pain-free life. In 2016 many states hope to legalize medical marijuana, so patients do not have to leave behind their homes and move to another state to get medicine.